Monday, March 21, 2016

SOLSC #21 - Staff Lounge Donut

To read my students' posts on the
Classroom SOL challenge click here

Introduction: Hello and welcome to my blog! This is the third year I have participated in the SOLSC and also the third year for my students as well! I teach students, ages 11-14, in a multi-age classroom at The Logan School for Creative Learning in Denver, CO. This year, I am hosting students from all three middle school classes and they are participating on a volunteer basis (with a few prizes thrown in for inspiration). I'm looking forward to being part of this amazing community again!

Staff Lounge Donut

The box of white flimsy cardboard sits on the counter like it's been waiting for me. Squat, wide, and just the right height to hold it's covey of tasty treasure. As I pour my coffee, my mind can not help but to wonder, "What is in the box today?"

photo credit: A Box of FROST via photopin (license)
Glazed, with the icing pooling at the bottom of each donut, the sugar buzzing the senses as the delicate dough fairly separates in my mouth?

Cream filled, to be carefully enjoyed least it drip out, not only ruining my clothes but also wasted?

Powdered donuts with the heartier dough, white mists getting everywhere?

I want to resist as I often have lately; and these pants fit again! But I am weak. I'm tired, hungry, and whiney. I deserve one donut today.

Defeated and with frustrated guilt, I reach for the box and lift the cover.

It is empty. 


I've won! Sort of. Because I know that I really lost the battle...and got "lucky."


  1. Oh my gosh! This is clever! I love the ending!

  2. Oh my gosh! This is clever! I love the ending!

  3. Yay! I love it when there are no sweets left and I can't have one!
