Sunday, March 13, 2016

SOLSC #14 - Thumbnail Armor

To read my student's posts on the
Classroom SOL challenge click here

Introduction: Hello and welcome to my blog! This is the third year I have participated in the SOLSC and also the third year for my students as well! I teach students, ages 11-14, in a multi-age classroom at The Logan School for Creative Learning in Denver, CO. This year, I am hosting students from all three middle school classes and they are participating on a volunteer basis (with a few prizes thrown in for inspiration). I'm looking forward to being part of this amazing community again!

I almost had a real "slice" of life today!

Thumbnail Armor
photo credit: Red and Ripe via photopin (license)

Chop-Chop-Chop goes the knife
Slicing vegetables with ease
Cucumbers, peppers and scallions please.

Tomato slices, no problem
Want them thick or thin?
Wash the lettuce, give its a spin.

Dice up some snap peas
I look down to see what's the drag?

My thumbnail is hacked,
But it protected my thumb
That was really close,
I almost felt dumb


  1. That next to last stanza is terrific, Max. And I'm so glad it was nothing more than the nail!

  2. Argh! I felt your pain in that last stanza because I've done that before. (I need to take a knife skills class before I do serious damage!) Hope you're okay now.

  3. hah! very funny and nice job. i've never thought of thumbnails as armor, but i like thinking of them that way.

  4. I love your poem nice idea with thumbnail armor.
